RDC Environment’s expertise in the packaging sector covers the following areas:
- State of the art – benchmarks
- Environmental analysis
- Techno-economic analysis
- Cost-benefit analysis
- Support and strategic studies
We support in the packaging sector:
- At different geographical levels (France, Belgium, Europe, World)
- Public authorities (European Commission, ADEME, OVAM, Brussels Environment, Service Public de Wallonie), eco-organizations (CITEO, Fost Plus, IVCIE, Valipac…), companies (CHEP, FABER, Nestlé, Henkel, Heineken, Plastipak, etc.) and associations (FEVE, Metal Packaging Europe, Maison des Eaux Minérales, Association des Entreprises des Glaces, RECORD, .etc.)
- On thematic areas related to ecodesign, developing strategies for reducing the environmental impact of packaging, implementing a deposit system for reuse or recycling, microplastics, environmental, economic and social evaluation of existing production, reuse and end-of-life activities of packaging (collection, sorting and recycling)
- Regarding the following products: used oil and lubricants, batteries and accumulators, ELV, EEE, household packaging, professional packaging, specific diffuse waste, textiles, coating and adhesive products including paint, furniture, construction products, paper and cardboard, sanitary textiles, etc.